12 Jul 2011

Ebony in Los Angeles

Ebony has finally made it the the United States of America, to continue working on her feature documentary film Child Troopers which is slated for release in 2012.

Ebony has spent the first few days in Malibu, California, where she has been hosted by friends John O'Shei and Christopher Veitor, supporters of her work and Child Troopers the documentary in particular.

Ebony has met with our LA based crew members including producer Alec Pedersen, Todd Spradlin and Trampas Thompson and is set to start serious work this week when she moves from Malibu to downtown Hollywood. They will be working on the film and most importantly setting up meeting around the country, particularly the vital interviews with those at the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Columbia University.

It has been a great start to the trip with Ebony already meeting with a number of people who have been affected or somewhat involved with the child soldier phenomenon.

We will be keeping you updated with what happens in the following weeks so please check back in to see where Ebony is at with the project!

Join us on twitter @atlanticstar233 and on facebook @Childtroopers


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